About iFindCheaters

Real Stories
of Catching Cheaters

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Did you know that data science could protect you from heartache? At iFindCheaters we are constantly creating new products and services to protect people looking for love from cheaters, scammers, and serial daters. Everyone deserves love without fear. Our services offer you a tool kit to really get to know who you are giving your heart to. Knowledge is power! Let our easy-to-use search tools empower your love life!

“I thought my life was over when I discovered my wife had met someone else online. When the initial heartbreak began to fade I realized it was a wake-up call. I was determined to find a way to make cheaters accountable, and to help those really looking for love protect themselves.” Rafal

Innovating since 2016 our story

iFindCheaters was created in 2016 as a digital watchdog to help people like you find peace of mind in your relationship. The same technology that makes it easier to bring people together can tear relationships apart. After experiencing heartbreak myself I made a commitment to help others avoid the pain. That is why I have put together a team of driven and talented tech engineers to develop new products and services to help people like you find lasting love.

Rafal Orlik ceo/founder Is a loving dad, husband, and a visionary entrepreneur. His own painful experience with infidelity led him to create iFindCheaters so that others could be spared the heartache he suffered. Since 2016 he has been investing in the application of technology to find ways to improve lives.
Victoria ANDRE KING Author Is an educator and published author who has years of experience in both Europe and the United States. She brings her background in psychology research to creating informative ebooks and articles for iFindCheaters to offer our customers useful insights for improving their relationships.
YAROSLAV KRUTIKOV CTO Highly accomplished, results oriented Chief Technical Officer with over 10 years of development and technical leadership experience. Have over 8 years of experience with PHP, JS languages and frameworks and 6 years experience with Ruby and Ruby On Rails. Experienced in team-building and management expertise with focus on process involvement to enhance IT development practices. Proven track record of developing and implementing enterprise-class scalable data management solutions.
IGOR PROPSHT PRODUCT MANAGER Highly accomplished, results oriented Product Manager with over 10 years of managerial experience and people leadership experience. Have over 5 years IT managerial experience. Have a passion solve problems and how to organize and admin the project. Have experience in solving complex business problems to deliver operational excellence. Desire to learn and grow professionally it`s what I love.
NICK Kudelia FULL-STACK Software engineer with over 6 years of development. Using in work PHP language, because prefer focus on process server-side part of project. Proven track record know how to choose the right tool, where I can choose native PHP, or where I can choose framework. Responsible and punctual, I want to learn new things and grow in new areas. Highly organized and efficient in fast-paced multitasking environments; able to prioritize effectively to accomplish objectives with creativity, enthusiasm and humor.
Konstantin Peschanov FULL-STACK Full-stack web developer with over 3 years of experience with main javascript technologies. Developed, enhanced, and maintained websites using modern tools and frameworks. Self-motivated, meticulous, and possessing a strong willingness to learn about new technologies and trends. Have a passion for coding, building interactive experiences, and solving problems.
OLEG bodyansky BACK-END PHP software engineer, with over 6 years web-developing since 2015. Had experience as system analyst in the accounting and management of trading enterprises software until 2015. The main task was to analyze and develop new modules. Fast and clear understanding of customers preferences. Development of clear and working code. I can work in a team and independently. My strong point is back-end side and using PHP language.
Alex Cherniavskyi Front-end Front-end web developer with over 3 years of experience planning, coding and maintaining websites. My code is valid, clean, and understandable. I always strive for self-development and improve my skills in web development by studying new technologies.
VICTOR UX/UI DESIGNER Highly motivated, creative, and customer-focused UX/UI designer with a passion for technology. Enjoy taking on a challenge and constantly looking for an opportunity to learn and grow. As a detail oriented individual with a passion for excellence, I am analyzing client`s needs and implementing the best designed solution. Experienced in working with Figma, Ps, Ai, Ae, Blender3D, Protopie, creating web pages and web mobile.
start with search

Doubts can eat away at your self-confidence. All you need to do is enter your partner’s full name and email address and in just minutes you will have answers. Below you can learn more about each of our services and decide which ones can help you put your mind at ease.

Learn About Our Services

serving 100k
people a month


organizing 1.5 million
records a month


answering 200,000
searches a month


using thousands of

starting from $9.99

The list of sites that our algorithms scan is growing constantly. Find out whether your partner has active profiles across a multitude of popular dating and alternative lifestyle platforms.

social media & mobile <br> chat/hook-up apps social media & mobile
chat/hook-up apps
starting from $9.99

Find out if your partner is being honest about how they spend their free time. This service reveals active accounts on social media platforms with dating components as well as adult chat and booty-call apps.

listing locator listing locator starting from $7.99

You have a right to know if the person you are seeing is being honest about important information. With this service you can verify identity, addresses and phone numbers as well as marital and family status.

live adult streams live adult streams starting from $14.99

Find out whether your love interest subscribes to adult streams. Sex is an important part of a healthy relationship so it is important to know if your partner has interests you may not be comfortable with. Not to mention these streams can be pricey.

xxx websites xxx websites starting from $14.99

Looking at porn does not automatically make someone a bad person but knowing what someone is into looking at can tell you a lot about them. Save yourself from potentially unpleasant surprises up front with this search tool.

tinder blaster tinder blaster starting from $14.99

Find out whether your partner is a swiper before they swipe your heart. This service offers different profile search options to help you discover whether your partner is using an active Tinder profile to meet others.





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