When you discover that your partner might be cheating on you, it might be the worst feeling in the world. You feel like every promise you make and trust you build suddenly vanishes away. Plus, it can mess with your emotions.
But how do you know if your partner is lying about cheating? Sometimes it's not obvious, like if they come home late smelling like someone else's perfume or cologne. The signs can be more hidden.
Before you decide what to do next, whether to end it or not, you must find out if your worries are real. It would be best to communicate with your partner directly and hear it from them. But sometimes, just hoping they'll admit it someday might make you anxious.
It’s better to take the help of technology. You can use our exclusive tool iFindCheaters, to help you find your partner on dating sites. Whether you're just a little bit worried about some changes you've noticed or you're concerned that your partner might be cheating, here are some not-so-common signs of cheating that you should keep an eye on.

Clue No 1: Changes In Communication Patterns
The first sign you might notice is your partner's communication pattern change. If your partner has been a regular user of the Internet and cell phone, suddenly, they start to avoid them, or they start avoiding you when you ask them for their passwords.
Earlier, the way you both openly communicate with each other is now changing. It feels like you are being ignored when you ask your partner about their concerns. This might sound too paranoid, but it could be something more serious.
Clue No 2: Increased Privacy & Guarded Devices
Another thing you might have observed is whether your partner is hiding what they use online. For example, when you ask them for their passwords, they find ways to avoid you. Or they close up whenever they're using their phones or computers. Or they also carry their phones wherever they go, even in the bathroom. This could mean that they are hiding something from you. It’s like they have something to hide.
It's natural for people to have secrets. This doesn't necessarily mean that they're cheating. But extra protection like this might be one of the common signs of cheating.
Clue No 3: Nowadays, They Focus More On Their Appearance
This might include getting a new hairstyle, a sudden increased interest in their physical appearance, or buying many new clothes.
Of course, it could be because of a New Year's goal, or they might want to make you happy. But it's good to know that sometimes people pay extra attention to how they look when they cheat.
Clue No 4: Missing Time & Mysterious Absences
If you’ve noticed that your partner has been gone without telling you where they've been or why they like to disappear occasionally, this could be a sign that they're not honest with you.
It can also mean that your partner is keeping something private from you.
Clue No 5: Decreased Emotional Intimacy
Talking openly and sharing feelings creates a strong bond in a strong relationship. If you notice your partner isn't connecting with you emotionally and is finding excuses to be away, it could be a sign they're involved with someone else.
Remember, a partner not being emotionally available can also show issues in the relationship, not just cheating. These issues can often be fixed with effort and heart-to-heart communication.
Clue No 6: Unexplained Financial Transactions
Sometimes, people accidentally spend money on something and forget about it. Maybe a gift, a dinner, or a new gadget. It can happen to anyone. It doesn't necessarily mean that your partner cheated. But unexplained financial transactions are one of the common signs of cheating that you should keep an eye on.
For example: when you both are discussing the budget for Christmas, you find out that your partner has bought things that were on the list, but you didn't notice it. Or you find out bills from your partner's personal credit card that you were unaware of. Or when you ask them about their spending, they suddenly change the subject and spend more time on the phone with someone than usual.
Clue No 7: You're Receiving Many Gifts!
Cheaters might do this to "hide the feeling of guilt," experts say. Keep an eye out if your partner is also unusually happy when they're giving you gifts.
Sometimes, your partner is in a better mood when they cheat. This way to distract you could make them act extra nice and give you more presents than usual.
Clue No 8: Altered Online Profiles & Presence
As thousands of dating apps and websites are available, your partner might be using these sites to meet someone else. This would be a sign that they're cheating.
The tricky thing is that to identify whether they're cheating or not, you need to check their profiles and online presence. But, the question arises of "how to find someone on dating sites."
Well, worry not! iFindCheaters will help you to find your partner on dating sites. This top-class spy app gives you access to all the information. All you need to have is your partner's email address.
Clue No 9: They Allege That You Are Cheating
If your partner is a cheater, they do strange things. Before you catch a cheating spouse, they start accusing you of cheating. There are a few reasons why they do this. When they make it about your actions, you feel like you have to defend yourself, and the attention shifts away from them.
This can also stop you from talking about things that seem odd because you don't want to upset them since they're already worried about you cheating. It gives them an excuse to ask for "time to think," which could mean they want to meet up with the person they're cheating.
So, these are some signs that show your partner might be cheating on you. But sometimes, your gut feeling is just as important. You know your partner and their behaviors better than anyone, so trusting your instincts is vital.
However, if something feels strange, iFindCheaters will assist you in catching a cheating spouse. It will give you access to the social media presence of your partner just by including their emails in one click. You will also access other information and your partner's online activities.
Wilda Harrison says that even though suspicions of cheating can be upsetting, one needs to take the situation in a sensitive way. "Blaming changes in behavior only on cheating leaves out other problems that might be going on in the relationship. Instead of relying only on outside tools, the most important things in dealing with problems are clear communication and understanding", she warns.
Try it today, and don't let the cheater play with your emotions anymore!