missions group fais founder quits because of cheating on his wife

A good old “wife catches husband cheating”, but it’s all about a huge corporation CEO! Thomas Lifsey, the founder and president of Frontier Alliance International (FAI), a well-known evangelical-charismatic missions and media group, has quit after cheating on his wife. The announcement came from FAI's board, which said that Lifsey, who has been married since 2006, admitted to having an affair that was not connected to ministry.


FAI, dedicated to disciple-making and relief efforts in regions like the Middle East and the 10/40 window, announced Lifsey's resignation as "unconditional" and clarified that he won't be reinstated in any leadership or ministry role within FAI.

The board also accepted that Lifsey had a "adulterous relationship" with a team member ten years ago. They have started talking to an outside group, possibly Godly Response to Abuse in the Christian Environment (GRACE), to do a full investigation.

Joel Richardson, chairman of the FAI board, stated that GRACE would be involved and emphasized the organization's commitment to openness once the terms of the contract are set.

According to social media, his wife, Anna, and he have been married for 17 years and have five children. In 2022, FAI, a charity organization in Georgia, made $5.8 million.

Some of the important documentaries and movies that FAI Studios, the media branch of FAI, has made are "Sheep Among Wolves" and "Better Friends Than Mountains." People learned about the group through "Operation Good Neighbor," a relief effort on the border between Israel and Syria.

Mike Reynolds, a former FAI missionary who quit in 2017 because of a tense relationship with Lifsey, told the public in February 2020 about a sexual incident involving Lifsey's wife. Reynolds likes the recent steps that FAI has taken and wants a third party to look into past problems to get more information.

Stephanie Quick, FAI’s director of communications, expressed concern for the honest workers affected and underscored the importance of a full audit of past events.

Richardson affirmed FAI's commitment to an investigation, hoping for resolution and justice. The organization, founded in 2011, has experienced close ties with the International House of Prayer Kansas City (IHOPKC), particularly through its connection with Mike Bickle. Bickle is currently facing allegations of sexual abuse.

There have been similar problems in the past, like when Lifsey admitted to having a "emotional affair" in 2013 and when questions were raised about the role of IHOPKC in FAI's decision-making.

The whistleblower, Reynolds, said some things that were true, but Richardson says there are different points of view and that he wants to listen to all of them during the review. When Reynolds sued the FAI board, it was not the same board that is in place now.

Two groups, FAI and IHOPKC, are very connected to each other. They share staff and work together, which makes things even more difficult.

"Yeah, cheating really hurts, but relationships are not less complicated than corporations! Even though people might judge, some psychologists think that being exclusive isn't right for everyone. They say that trying out different ways of being together could actually help some couples", notes Wilda Harrison.


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