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The new place to meet people is online, even for texting. That is why iFindCheaters offers you a way to find Social Media & Mobile Chat/Hook-Up Apps profiles by email address. The iFindCheaters service was designed to do just that: help you find out - does my spouse has more social media accounts?
Cheaters like to hide in plain sight, and smartphones and free WiFi have made that easier than ever! For instance, you would be surprised how many people are busted cheating on Facebook. If you cannot see somebody’s screen, you cannot tell whether they are texting for work or sliding into people’s DMs. iFindCheaters is the answer to how to catch your wife or husband cheating on social media.
About 95% of cheaters use text messages or social media DMs. It is quick, easy, cheap, and adds a sense of secrecy that is a turn-on for many people. Remember when you were a kid passing notes at school? Well, social media DMs are more or less the same thing – but it is a lot harder for the “teacher” to catch you. Even if you could check boyfriends’ phone, cheaters’ texts may not even appear sexual. Anything can become an innuendo, like a secret lover’s code.
You should be aware of some tell-tale signs to catch your boyfriend or girlfriend cheating on social media, such as…
Does your partner:
- Stare at their phone all the time but hide it whenever you are near?
- Avoid answering questions about who messages are from or their online activity?
- Accuse you of flirting with others or hiding activity online?
Those could all be indicators that your partner is on the verge or may already be cheating and deflecting the blame onto you.
this service is perfect for?
- Anyone starting a new relationship who wants to know if their boyfriend or girlfriend is “always available” on social media.
- Men who think their wives might be cheating on social media.
- Girlfriends who want to know how to catch a boyfriend cheating on social media.
- LGBTQ couples who are worried their partner has not been honest about their past (or even present).
- Partners who are not married yet but are thinking about it.
- Any spouse who feels insecure about their relationship due to excessive social media dependency.
this service is perfect for?
how we do it?

we catch infidelity online
iFindCheaters is the only online service with advanced search technology to help you catch texting cheaters. If an account exists, we will find it. Within minutes view your partner’s online social media presence, so you can monitor their activity and protect we find them
By directly accessing popular Social Media & Mobile Chat/Hook-Up Apps databases, we can detect active profiles that your partner maintains. We provide that information so you can follow up and know who you are involved with.100% anonymous service
iFindCheaters lets you discover if your partner is being unfaithful on social media platforms without revealing your identity. We respect your privacy. iFindCheaters searches are 100% confidential – we will never disclose your user information or alert your partner.
here are some of the sites we currently scan
Try out our service that scans a constantly growing number of international social media sites and apps. Discover how easy it is to catch a cheater on social media by monitoring their online activity. Remove doubt from your relationship today!
what are you waiting for?
e-book "overcoming infidelity"
cheaters found
quick, easy, and completely confidential
enter the partner's first & last name, including email
All you need to do is enter your Partner’s Full Name, and Email Address, and our service will do the rest. After you create your account, the sample report will be generated. Then you can decide which of our plans is best for your needs. Once you purchase search credits, you can apply them to search the areas of online activity you think they might be involved in.
Searching Social Media & Mobile Chat/Hook-Up Apps for someone is quick and easy thanks to iFindCheaters. Account setup is free; you get a free E-Book just for registering. If you suspect your husband of cheating, our service will find his Social Media & Mobile Chat/Hook-Up Apps profile if he is excessively active on social media. Our algorithms have been designed to find hidden profiles online. When a customer asks, “How to catch a cheater on social media sites?” we suggest using iFindCheaters! They will be revealed if their Social Media & Mobile Chat/Hook-Up Apps profiles are active.
Our search process typically takes only a few minutes. You will be redirected to a secure web page where you will be updated on search progress in real-time. If you don’t want to wait around, we will also email confirmation once your report is ready for viewing on our website. You can even print a PDF of your report if you need a hard copy.
Depending on which services you selected for your search, your personalized report will list all services that were scanned. iFindCheaters is constantly updating the service to include new Social Media & Mobile Chat/Hook-up Apps created worldwide. If you ask yourself: “What if I find my spouse on social media sites?” While it hurts, it does not have to mean the end of the world. Sometimes a partner is just looking around to make themselves feel better after some disappointment. The romantic interest of others can build our confidence and boost our morale. Our service can help you catch cheaters texting on social media sites before it is too late for your relationship.
what are you waiting for?
e-book "overcoming infidelity"

real stories
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“A story Fox 2 Detroit News did on the service”
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“A story Fox 2 Detroit News did on the service”
our mission
Conventional relationships are almost a thing of the past. 20 years ago, who could have imagined the impact the internet and cell phones would have on relationships? Everyone wants to be loved, but no one wants to feel like a victim. Technology is incredible and has made a lot of things easier, including infidelity. iFindCheaters was developed as a relationship watchdog to empower you and provide peace of mind. Many of us today are on our phones non-stop, either for work or just killing time on our commute. That phenomenon makes it easier to cheat for some people – hiding in plain sight!
The virtual world has made “meeting” people easy, but there are no guarantees that those “people” are being honest. Getting easy attention online can build your confidence. Your significant other may be just a click away, which is exciting. If you are looking for a serious relationship, though, we don’t want the same technology that eventually brought you together to break your heart. Our services can help you how to catch your cheating partner on social media in a few clicks.
Painful personal experience woke me up to this reality when it was already too late. I designed and developed because I want to protect others from heartache in this brave new tech savvy world. Let iFindCheaters be your vaccine against a broken heart!
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Where's Already Using?
- Lila B.
Social media, when I was younger, used to make or break relationships. Nowadays, SM seems to be a tether that help keep relationships strong. Sometimes we need make time to put the technology away and focus on our relationships. With just a couple of clicks, I can protect myself now. Thanks
- Amanda102
It was such a relief that you can buy just 1 search credit and use it however you want. No obligation or pressure.
- Gwen P.
After my divorce I was afraid to start dating again but a friend told me about ifindcheaters as cheater finder. I was skeptical, but when I saw how easy it was to see who I was really meeting I felt a lot more confidant.
- Amy4u
Seems too good to be true? Check that out. Better safe than sorry!
- Patricia Q.
I was so happy, but my parents kept nagging me not to commit till I was sure. ifindcheaters is the best website to find out if spouse is cheating and proved I was right!
- Mira77EmAre
It was such a relief that you can buy just 1 search credit and use it however you want. No obligation or pressure.
- Athena Dionysia
I had been hurt by people a lot and that made me very cautious in a point that I closed everyone out and believe that I’m just going to be alone. In that moment something strange happen I found a person that manage to give me hope. I realized the moment I stopped caring I stopped judging overthinking and I managed to actually open up. But now I can get the info that kept me from making a big mistake
- Jennifer N.
I was tired of my all-time-being in smartphone boyfriend. And from the lie, which he told me about that. About work, games and others. After using the service everything became clear
- Jessica1144
Glad I used this site, got the info I needed. best website to find cheaters
- Amanda102
It was such a relief that you can buy even just 1 search credit and use it however you want. No obligation or pressure.
- Gwen P.
After my divorce I was afraid to start dating again but a friend told me about ifindcheaters as cheater finder. I was skeptical, but when I saw how easy it was to see who I was really meeting I felt a lot more confidant.
- Mira77EmAre
It was such a relief that you can buy just 1 search credit and use it however you want. No obligation or pressure.
- Amy4u
Seems too good to be true? Check that out. Better safe than sorry!
- Patricia Q.
I was so happy, but my parents kept nagging me not to commit till I was sure. ifindcheaters is the best website to find out if spouse is cheating and proved I was right!
- Lila B.
He just seemed different all of a sudden. There wasn’t one specific thing I could my finger on. When she started not picking up calls a friend sent me the link. It was really hard when I first saw the report, at least I knew I wasn’t crazy.
- Athena Dionysia
I had been hurt by people a lot and that made me very cautious in a point that I closed everyone out and believe that I’m just going to be alone. In that moment something strange happen I found a person that manage to give me hope. I realized the moment I stopped caring I stopped judging overthinking and I managed to actually open up. But now I can get the info that kept me from making a big mistake

Feels good to know it’s real. Now I can open up and be myself. The easiest way find cheating wives.

If you have had your heart broken it can be hard to trust again. Learn how to take stock of the situation and decide if your relationship is worth fighting for. If you are moving on learn how to protect yourself in future.
If you have had your heart broken it can be hard to trust again. Learn how to take stock of the situation and decide if your relationship is worth fighting for. If you are moving on learn how to protect yourself in future.

How do I learn if my partner is on SOCIAL MEDIA & MOBILE CHAT/HOOK-UP APPS?
When you enter their full name (first and last) and an email address our algorithms will search the databases of the bundle of sites/platforms or apps you have chosen. If they have an active profile connected to the information you have entered it will be discovered. Once you know what services they are using, you can follow up to see if they are still on the internet dating market.
Why didn’t I receive a verification email?
Your verification email may have gone to your SPAM or BULK folder because they are generated automatically. Depending on your internet service provider or if you are trying to access from a LAN terminal there may be filters that block automated email. We recommend you only access the site from your personal device. If your verification email does not appear within 10-15 minutes, please let us know.
Why is the SCAN/SEARCH taking so long?
The SCAN/SEARCH times may vary depending on what time you submit your request. The average is 2-5 minutes, but it may take longer based on the search you request, and if the sites being scanned are receiving heavy user traffic.
How do I see the SCAN/SEARCH results?
As soon as you have entered your payment information the results will become visible. For your convenience, you can also download the report as a printable PDF document.
Do you provide my partner’s log information (username and password) for the sites or apps they have active accounts on?
Our service can confirm the existence of active accounts linked to your partner’s name and email address. We cannot access their passwords or materials they may have uploaded to those accounts. To do so would be an invasion of privacy and thus illegal.
How do I learn if my partner is on SOCIAL MEDIA & MOBILE CHAT/HOOK-UP APPS?
When you enter their full name (first and last) and an email address our algorithms will search the databases of the bundle of sites/platforms or apps you have chosen. If they have an active profile connected to the information you have entered it will be discovered. Once you know what services they are using, you can follow up to see if they are still on the internet dating market.
FLEX – This option allows you to purchase as many search credits as you think you will need and use them individually to generate searches with any name or email address you choose. MONTHLY – This option runs a daily scan using one or more email addresses. You can request notification of results daily, or only when new activity is detected. Monthly plans have recurring billing. If you cancel the plan reports will continue to be generated until the end of that billing cycle but there will be no further charges. ULTIMATE – This option allows you to create the combination that works best for your needs. You can have some emails scanned daily and have individual credit bundles for single searches whenever you want them. Ultimate plans have recurring billing and any search credits not used the previous month carry over until used, they never expire.
How will this charge appear on my bank or credit card statement?
When you use your credit or debit card the charge will appear as iFC Search Products on your monthly statement.
How can I pay with a prepaid card?
You enter the information for a prepaid card just as you would any other credit or debit card. There is technically no billing address with a prepaid card, but the fields will still need to be completed for the charge to be processed.
How can I pay so it won’t show on my bank or credit card statement?
If you do not want to provide a debit or credit card for fear of raising suspicion you may use a prepaid card or create a PayPal account which many people use for shopping online.
Knowledge is power!
iFindCheaters provides you several tools for exposing cheaters online. Whether your relationship is new, or you have been together for years our services are designed to help you protect yourself from heartbreak. There are a number of ways of catching a cheating spouse with text messages. Our site also offers you useful information in our blog articles and E-Books created especially to help you arm yourself against infidelity.
Support groups for cheating spouses chat about how infidelity makes them feel. iFindCheaters offers you a proactive service to become more aware, so there will not be a “next time”. In just a few minutes you can find social media profiles by email that your husband or wife might be using to meet others. If you are not married, girlfriend cheating text messages and boyfriend cheating text messages are just as common. The question you should be asking is what you can do to protect yourself from getting hurt and build the committed relationship that you deserve.
You may need only one search credit to get the answers you are looking for and put your mind at ease. You are in control and can buy as few or as many credits you need. So if you want to catch a cheating spouse text messages are one way you can do it. iFindCheaters was created to be your relationship watchdog. We listen to our customers to constantly improve and expand the services we offer. Your happiness is important to us, that is why we provide you the tools you need to remove doubt and feel confident about who you are giving your heart to. iFindCheaters is here to be your relationship watchdog!
Ignorance is never bliss, it only defers pain. Knowing sooner than later means that you can fight for your relationship if you believe it is worth saving. It also means you can walk away without remorse if the time has come to move on. We are here for you 24/7 and encourage you to share your story. It could help others avoid a broken heart!
I was tired of my all-time-being in smartphone boyfriend. And from the lie, which he told me about that. About work, games and others. After using the service everything became clear
Glad I used this site, got the info I needed. best website to find cheaters
Feels good to know it’s real. Now I can open up and be myself. The easiest way find cheating wives.