Everyone knows the old anecdote that women who prey on rich men believe wealth is sexually transmitted. As in any anecdote, humor is superimposed on the truth of life. At some point in history, the word gold-digger, from its literal meaning of gold seeker, took on a new meaning-woman who hunts rich men, and the verb to dig gold-literally "to mine gold"-turned into the verb to gold-dig-seek a millionaire uncle. So who are these and gold-diggers and how do you recognize them?
Men with money and power, or rather money giving power, have always been attractive to many girls, women, thinking that in their life there is already a great achievement, they were born more or less handsome and they do not need any more achievements in life, because using their external data, they can get everything. Money, which gives power, the miraculous ability to turn first-rate goblins into beautiful princes for young pretty girls. With money and position a man automatically falls into the category of “it men”, that is, a perfect male being. Itmen - perfection immediately becomes target number one for gold hunters. But the bad news for yearlings is that there are far fewer rich men than there are beautiful women who think they deserve them.
So what are the signs of gold-diggers.
Gold-diggers are immediately and often interested in your financial well-being.
Correspondence acquaintance with the potential victim begins with inquiries about the apartment, the house where the subject lives, the cars he drives, resorts he resorts, clubs he goes to.
Gold-diggers miners appreciate only expensive gifts
All gold-diggers can be divided into two categories: the first is the cynical gold-diggers, who are not prone to reflection, who do not play in love, they know that they want money, and do not hide it, always reasoning rationally. Always mindful of their status, understanding in what role they act for these rich men, they calmly receive apartments and quite expensive gifts: watches, jewelry, cars... This category of huntresses includes young girls of model appearance, whom oligarchs like to take for themselves and beautiful girls, for whom the rotation among rich men is their sphere of activity. And since this is their line of work, their closest girlfriends are also Golddiggers.
She is very jealous.
The second category of rich women hunters are female werewolves whose goal is to become the wives of their victims. Money is as important for them as for the first category, but they also care whether the object of the hunt is single or not. Though they try to convince those around them that the most important thing for them is love. These women use any means to the goal, and they are always very jealous of the object, running his sharp claws in the victim, they will not let anyone come close to it, and girlfriends such persons almost none.
Her friends are also gold diggers
The gold digger looks. "She always has a fresh manicure, professionally done hair and an expensive purse. It is easy to distinguish her in a restaurant or club: she sits quietly in the corner, often smoking and waiting for her victim, while the regular customer usually does many things at a time: smiling to the waiter, browsing the menu, talking on the phone with a friend, looking for something in her purse. Representatives of the first category usually go hunting with a companion, they talk loudly, can almost accidentally drop an object on the floor to graciously raise later, standing and taking the lighter from men at the nearby tables, i.e. in every possible way attract themselves to the hunt. In other words, they draw attention to themselves in every possible way. Female representatives of the second category hunt purely by themselves.
Gold diggers are obsessed with your status and the status of those around them.
Gold diggers are obsessed with their status and the status of those around them. She's not rich, she has middle-class parents and she doesn't have much of a good income. But she has a car, an apartment, jewelry and other expensive things. All of this may have come to her from rich lovers.She divides people into grades, despises all those who have a low income, and often ridicules and ignores people who are below her on the social ladder. She treats waiters and salespeople as second-class citizens.
She uses her sexuality to manipulate you.
She is ready to go on a trip with the victim right now, she blackmails you with her body, sex in exchange for gifts, trips and other favors.
Gold-diggers never pay for anything.
How else could they not? They look for those who will pay for them. They have a clear understanding that they are so beautiful and wonderful that they should be paid, just for their existence, for the opportunity to communicate and generally be around them.
iFindCheaters - check your spouse
Golddiggers very often inhabit dating sites, moreover, they don't hide their goals, and rightly so write in their profiles that they want to fly with someone on vacation, or are ready to go to an expensive restaurant. If you weren't lucky enough to marry a golddigger, try to find wife on a dating site. In this matter, the online service iFindCheaters can just help you. It is very convenient and simple, it has a search on popular dating sites and you can easily understand if you are lucky with your companion, or it is better to stay away from her.