8 things you should avoid on dating apps

8 Best Dating Sites for 2023

It can be really hard to find the right person with all the dating apps out there now. Yes! "Having too many choices can make dating worse instead of better," says Jennifer Pearson, dating expert.


Dating apps are popular for both serious relationships and casual hookups. Navigating these apps successfully requires good etiquette to ensure safety, meaningful conversations, and the potential to meet compatible matches.

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"I know, it seems like everyone around us is in a relationship. But most adults are actually single, that's what the numbers say," notes Jennifer Pearson.

The diverse nature of dating apps can make connecting with potential dates a bit uncertain.

Some profiles provide exhaustive details, while others remain minimal. To ease the intimidation of using dating apps, understanding the varied behaviors of users becomes essential.



Using numerous dating apps doesn't necessarily increase your chances of finding a match.

In fact, it often leads to frustration and burnout. Dating requires commitment and what I call "Heart Time," where you invest time swiping, messaging, and discussing dating with friends. To achieve a specific result, like a relationship, it's essential to use your Heart Time purposefully.

Focus on one or two dating apps that align with your preferences and where you feel the most comfortable.

Each app has its own user base and design, so choose based on your success, comfort, and positive self-perception. Click here to learn how to find out if someone is on Tinder.


People often think that going on more dates will help them find a partner, but dating is not a numbers game.

Why not? Because your brain can simply get cognitive overload and find it hard to choose between all the options.

As biological anthropologist Helen E. Fisher, Ph.D., says, сounteract numbers game anxiety by adopting the mindset of being for the few, not the many.

This approach can transform your dating game by helping you identify higher quality matches, reducing stress, and preventing burnout.


If you start feeling overwhelmed by the numbers game, put your phone down. Recognize that you are seeking quality matches, not quantity.

As the F.C. Donders Center for Cognitive Neuroimaging study showed, this mindset shift can change your dating experience for the better, reducing stress associated with endless swiping.


Numbers say: almost 40% of Americans now use at least one dating app to find their partner. But dating apps activity shouldn't be the only thing you do!

"Know that being single and dating can be hard on your emotions, and that relying on dating apps alone for approval may lead to disappointment," says Pearson.


While sharing information about yourself is crucial, avoid oversharing, as it can be off-putting. Strike a balance between sharing enough to convey who you are and being mindful of your audience.


As stated in a Time Magazine article, using emojis and gifs in conversations can enhance communication on dating apps. Conversations that incorporate these elements tend to last longer and increase the likelihood of receiving replies.


Engage in meaningful conversations by asking questions about your potential matches. People appreciate being asked questions, as it encourages them to share information about themselves, as some articles show. Additionally, offering thoughtful compliments can contribute positively to the conversation.


If your date reveals aspects of their past dating life, avoid passing judgment hastily. Their history is influenced by various factors, and making assumptions based on incomplete information can be detrimental to building a healthy connection."


This is crucial: always be polite and considerate in your initial conversations. Several apps, such as Tinder and OK Cupid, no longer allow photo sharing because too many inappropriate images were being sent. Hold off on sending a photo unless the other person specifically requests one. And even then, avoid sending pictures of body parts without their consent.

Wondering can you search for someone on Tinder? Try this free tool!

Even though one study suggests that sexting may not impact mental well-being, many people aren't comfortable with it or simply don't find it enjoyable. So, be sure to ask first and respect their response."

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