how do i find out if my wife is fantasizing about other men

How Do I Find out If My Wife Is Fantasizing About Other Men

When partners have an excellent relationship: mutual love, respect, care and attention, and shared interests, it seems that this will last forever. However, not all couples stay together for life. At a specific moment, small cracks appear in the relationship, which gradually increases and eventually becomes an actual breakup.

And one day, I realized that my wife was fantasizing about other men. Cheating usually begins with wrong thoughts and friendships with other people. So, does my wife fantasize about strangers?

Why Does My Partner Fantasize About Others?

At first, lovers cannot live without each other. It is easy, excellent, and comfortable for them. But people begin to distance themselves from each other over time. Why so?

If Intimacy Is Not Attractive

If people stop striving for intimacy with each other, this is another bad sign. Of course, they may not have the same temperament, but if people love and cherish each other, they will always find a compromise. However, if a wife and a husband avoid having sex, this is already a path to separation. This means that people cooled to each other. Sooner or later, both will find a new object for dreams and sexual relations – and the couple will break up.

If She Is Not Appreciated

If a woman sees that her care, attention, and desire to help are not appreciated and even cause complaints, then a giant crack appears in the relationship. Maybe you overdid it with care, but most likely, your spouse just cooled off.

If Your Partner Feels Lonely

It often happens that a person, being married, feels completely alone. Her husband is busy with his work and interests and is entirely uninterested in the life of a close person. At first, an attention-deprived person tries to explain, tell and show something but the partner doesn’t want to listen. She gradually gets used to the fact that a close person is isolated from her and lives exclusively in her interests.

Signs of Women's Fantasies about Another Man

Often a man does not cover a woman’s need for caress, tenderness, sex – the list can go on and on. And then, another man appears on the stage. He is armed with compliments and very dangerous. It all starts with smiles, random touches, and heart-to-heart conversations. What are the signs that a partner is fantasizing about someone else?

  1. She compares you with other men that she likes and appreciates. It can be actors, singers, famous people, familiar friends, or colleagues.
  2. She asks you to change your style. Maybe she wants you to become more like the man she thinks about.
  3. She watches porn. This is the first step to betrayal. Many believe this is harmless, but it completely forces your woman to fantasize about another man and have wrong expectations about her intimate relationship.
  4. She stares at other men on the street. She not only notices them but openly stares at them. It is disrespectful and also fraught with consequences.
  5. She constantly reminds you that you are not her command. Your wife shows that you are not her boss and can’t control her. But in a healthy relationship, there are no masters or principals. There is respect for each other.
  6. She is subscribed to the pages of other men, and their photos are impressive. Looking at them, she is hardly thinking about you.
  7. She is too socially active. Remember, 40% of cheaters find a partner at work. So if she is too sociable and gets along well with everyone, especially at work or on Tinder, there is a high probability that she will pay special attention to someone else there.

Is It Worth Checking Your Wife for Loyalty?

Nothing is more recognizable than a relationship when one of the partners suspects the other partner’s cheating. If this case is not resolved in time, mistrust in the couple will grow, and the relationship will become uncomfortable for both participants, which will invariably lead to their end.

A small lie breeds big mistrust. If you once caught your loved one in a lie, it will remain in-depth in your memory. Every new lie burns out the old feeling and leads to a breakup because people cannot be together without mutual trust. It is crucial to check your wife for loyalty. So, how to find a cheating spouse on social media?

How to Check Your Wife's Loyalty?

It happens that even after long conversations with a partner and comprehensive reconciliation, a feeling of anxiety and uncertainty remains. Then it’s time to take desperate measures: a person writes to a partner from a new unknown account in social networks, persuades friends/acquaintances to start a dialogue with her, and watches the response. How about the idea of hiring a private detective? It must be admitted that the first two methods are subjective and can turn into an unpleasant exposure, and the last one is quite expensive and useless. But how to find out if a spouse is on dating sites?

Fortunately, there is a reliable and inexpensive way to check your partner for treason and not betray yourself. For example, the iFindCheaters service tracks a person's activity on social networks.

  • The online service lets you detect how active your wife is on dating sites, everyone’s beloved Tinder, or XXX sites. And all this is completely anonymous.
  • All you need to do is enter your partner's full name and email address, and our service will do the rest. After you create your account, you will receive a detailed report.

Look at the reviews about our service tools! You can see how the service affected the lives of specific people: it gave some people peace of mind and confidence in their partner, while others confirmed their fears and allowed a serious and frank conversation.

The fact that a wife is cheating does not end with destroyed happiness and the loss of the meaning of life. Often this is an impetus to changes in oneself, “opening of eyes,” and self-development. Whether the spouses stay together or break up is a challenging but priceless lesson. It will make them look at relationships from the other side or teach them to choose people more carefully.

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