Are you feeling constantly drained and unhappy in your relationship? It's possible that your partner could be a narcissist. Dealing with a narcissistic partner can negatively impact all areas of your life, from your work performance to your emotional and physical wellbeing. But how can you be sure if your partner is a narcissist or just confident? And more importantly, what can you do about it?
In this article, we'll explore eight common red flags that indicate you might be in a relationship with a narcissist. We'll also provide you with practical tips on what to do if you find yourself in this situation. So if you're feeling unsure and need some guidance, keep reading. Our goal is to help you regain your power and live a happier, healthier life.
8 Key Signs Of a Narcissist Person
It can be difficult to identify if your partner is a narcissist or just has a high level of confidence. However, if your partner displays four or more of the following signs, it's possible that you are in a relationship with a narcissist. In severe cases where your partner displays all of these signs, they may have Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD). Here are 8 key signs to look out for:
1. They Make Everything About Themselves
Have you ever had a conversation with someone who only seems to care about themselves? Someone who constantly steers the discussion back to their own interests and experiences? If so, you may have encountered a narcissist.
Narcissists have an insatiable need for attention and validation, and if they don't receive it, they may become frustrated or resentful. When you're in a relationship with a narcissist, you'll find that every decision, opinion, and action is ultimately about them. This can leave you feeling overlooked and unimportant.
2.Charming Personality That Doesn't Last
Narcissists are experts at turning on the charm to get what they want. In the early stages of a relationship, you may feel spoiled, pampered, and showered with affection and flattery. However, this charm is unsustainable, and eventually, the narcissist's true personality will surface.
3.Split Personalities
If you've experienced a sudden switch from the charming person you fell in love with to someone unrecognizable, you may be experiencing the "splitting" personality of a narcissist. They may begin to devalue you subtly, blame you for their issues, and withhold affection or intimacy intermittently.
4.Lack of Boundaries
Narcissists have a deliberate disregard for other people's boundaries. They regularly overstep the mark and use others without any consideration for the impact it may have on them. This behavior includes breaking promises, borrowing items or money without returning them, and showing little remorse.
5.Isolation Tactics
Isolation is one of the more common ways a narcissist can gain control in a relationship. They may cut you off from friends and family, control your use of social media and phone calls, and even disengage you from the workforce, leaving them with full financial control. This control feeds their need to have everything their way.
6.Disregard for Your Feelings
Narcissists may come across as caring and concerned, but they are ultimately more concerned about themselves. They make decisions based on what benefits them, not what benefits the relationship. They simply don't have the capacity to take on board your feelings.
7.Delusions of Grandeur
People with Narcissistic Personality Disorder believe they are superior to everyone else, making it difficult for them to experience love. They genuinely believe that they are better than others in virtually every aspect. This delusion of grandeur is a key characteristic of narcissism.
8.Manipulation and Gaslighting
Narcissists are experts at manipulating those around them, especially their partners. They use tactics like belittling and playing the victim to gain control and power over their victims. When confronted, they deny and deflect to make themselves out to be the victim.
Gaslighting, also known as "crazy-making," is a calculated process that causes the victim to doubt their own judgement and sanity. The narcissist plants seeds of doubt and makes the victim feel like their concerns are absurd. They may deny things they have said or done, change the story, and even form alliances to reinforce the victim's "craziness." It is a height of deception and a means of control.
Strategies for Dealing with a Narcissistic Partner
Dealing with a narcissistic partner can be a challenging and emotionally draining experience. However, there are strategies that can help you cope and make the best decision for yourself.
1. Gain Knowledge about Narcissism
The first step in dealing with a narcissistic partner is to educate yourself about narcissism. Understanding their condition can give you insight into their behavior, which can help you manage your expectations and avoid getting caught up in their manipulation tactics. You can start by researching online or consulting with a mental health professional.
2. Make a Decision
Once you have a clear understanding of what you are dealing with, you can make an informed decision about whether to stay or leave the relationship. If you choose to stay, you need to set clear boundaries and be prepared for the challenges that come with being in a relationship with a narcissist. If you decide to leave, make sure you have a plan in place to protect yourself emotionally, physically, financially, and mentally.
3. Be Prepared
If you choose to leave, you need to be prepared for the narcissist's attempts to pull you back in. To protect yourself, you should consider cutting all contact with them, especially if you have children or shared assets. You should also make a list of all the reasons why you want to leave and surround yourself with a support system to help you through the grieving process that comes with ending a relationship. If you are dealing with shared assets or children, it may be necessary to involve qualified professionals to ensure your safety and well-being.
Preventing Infidelity When Dating a Narcissist
The best way to safeguard your mental, physical, and emotional health if you believe you are involved with a narcissist is to arm yourself with knowledge. Narcissists have been found to have a higher infidelity rate, according to various studies. Narcissists tend to prioritize their own needs and desires over those of their partners, and they may seek attention and validation from others outside of the relationship. As a result, the chances of cheating increase.
In case you have doubts about your narcissistic partner's fidelity, iFindCheaters can help you learn the truth. You can verify your suspicions with the help of our services and products and then make informed decisions about your romantic partnership. Do what you need to do to keep yourself safe today, and never forget that you are worthy of having a connection in which your feelings and needs are given due consideration.