Online dating is super easy and popular now, making it simple to connect with people. But, it's actually a bit of a trap for those in relationships. Yeah, here cheating comes, almost 40% of people admit to using dating apps in relationships. And some don’t even see it as cheating! Worried your partner is using these apps? There are ways to find out!
Step 1: Locate Their Email Address
The first step in this process is essential but challenging. You need to find out which email address your partner used to create a dating profile. Many websites require an email address for account creation and login, making it crucial to know this information. If you're unsure, try using Listing Locator to discover the email address they commonly use for online accounts.
Step 2: Use iFindCheaters’ Dating Profile Search
Once you have the email address, you can perform a dating profile search using iFindCheaters. Simply enter the email address, and the search will check over 55 social networks and dating websites for any accounts created with that specific email. iFindCheaters’ search doesn't limit itself to dating sites; it also checks popular social media platforms, as some cheaters may use alternate accounts under fake names.
What Information Can You Find?
Aside from dating site activity, the search may reveal other valuable information from social networks. This can include online aliases, past and current phone numbers, previous addresses, and old social media profiles. While not everyone uses the same email for all their online activities, this search serves as a starting point to verify your partner's online activity.
What If You Find Their Dating Profile?
Okay, finding a profile doesn't guarantee they're actively using the dating app or website. Some people temporarily disable their profiles while in a relationship, unaware that they need to delete the account entirely.
If you're concerned, give them a chance to explain the situation calmly. Directly asking them if they have a dating profile might provide a straightforward answer. Observe their reaction and body language, as it may reveal their thoughts and emotions.
The Bottom Line
So, the truth can actually set you free. And if you find evidence that confirms your suspicions? It's not your fault.
"Just focus on moving forward and finding the happiness you deserve. Life is short, and taking control of your situation and seeking the truth is the first step toward a better future," says Wilda Harrison, a relationship coach.