Worried about your partner cheating? The best move is to talk directly with them. That's just what marriage therapist Wilda Harrison says: "Skip the detective work and have an honest talk. Let your partner know you can handle the truth and believe that honesty can solve problems."
Some folks avoid talking about problems, hoping they'll fix themselves, but this usually just drives a wedge between partners! So, trust your gut and handle the topic carefully, — that's our first advice!
What Do Psychologists Think?
Even if you hope to salvage the relationship in the face of possible betrayal, succumbing to such actions would breach trust and complicate the process of rebuilding it. While you may suspect that your partner has already violated your trust, adding fuel to the fire is not the solution.
How to Approach the Conversation?
First, make sure you’re both in the right mindset. So, never bring it up when you're tired or stressed out. Studies show you're more emotional when you're sleep-deprived, so pick a time when you're both relaxed, like after work or on a chill weekend.
Express to your partner that you have unsettling feelings and need their help in sorting through them. Then, share the suspicions or causes of your uneasiness. Although your spouse may become defensive and angry, particularly if your suspicions are valid, focusing on yourself instead of pointing fingers decreases the likelihood of defensiveness.
Let your partner know that when you have doubts or intuitions, cause you owe it to yourself to investigate further. By initiating the conversation, you demonstrate your commitment to integrity and the importance of receiving the truth. Inform your partner that, above all, you deserve to know what is truly happening so that you can make informed decisions for yourself.
The Bottom Line
Finding out if your partner is cheating is tough, and all you need is trust and honesty. Snooping through their messages definitely isn't the best idea.
But hey, there's a way to get proof without crossing boundaries or messing up the healing process. Our discreet service lets you see if they're likely to cheat again, so you can make the right choice for yourself.
Try us for free and gain the peace of mind you deserve.