rumors kyle richards likes post about micro cheating

Another rumor around those ‘husband catches wife cheating’ cases. While everyone’s wondering how to catch a cheating gf, Kyle Richards often finds herself under the microscope when it comes to her relationship with Mauricio Umansky – even a simple Instagram "like" can set tongues wagging.

If only Season 13 of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills could shed some light on the situation, maybe fans wouldn't analyze Kyle's every move on social media. Sadly, that's not the case. Instead, RHOBH keeps fanning the flames by showing how fast Kyle's relationship with Morgan Wade is changing.


Even before Season 13 aired, rumors swirled about potential infidelity on both sides. Now, Kyle's recent Instagram activity has added weight to suspicions that Mauricio may have strayed.

Recently, the Instagram account @facereality16 noticed that Kyle had liked a reel discussing "micro-cheating." The reel highlighted behaviors like secretly messaging someone, deleting messages, and complaining about one's partner to others.

Because of how rough things have been between Kyle and Mauricio over the past eight months, it's not clear if Kyle liked a specific example or the post's overall message.

The details of their relationship are still a secret, but Mauricio hasn't been very discreet about his relationships with other women.

Of course, Kyle's own actions, especially her relationship with Morgan, have been looked at closely. With all those tensions running high, even Kyle's Instagram activity is subject to analysis.

What about an expert opinion? Meet Wilda Harrison, a relationship psychologist: "I can see why people find the relationships on reality TV shows like RHOBH interesting. But, there is a huge difference between cheating and liking posts about "micro-cheating" on social media. Yes, the truth is simple: people often fight with each other over nothing, if they base their views on what others do online."


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