A tragic story: wife catches husband cheating. When his spouse showed up at the romantic dinner he was having with his mistress, he was taken by surprise. The scene started when the wife and a friend with a camera walked over to their table.
"Hey!" she exclaimed, with the friend capturing the moment a few steps behind.
"Hey, how are you?" the husband responded awkwardly, stealing glances back at the camera.
At first, they both tried to play down what was going on. The husband said they were just "having dinner," and the woman he said was his lover said she was just "a friend." But, just like the husband's marriage fell apart after he cheated on his wife, so did their story.
"This is crazy, right? Meeting you here," the wife remarked to the pair, questioning whether the woman was a "work friend."
Even though they tried to keep up the pretense that they knew each other from work, the wife didn't buy it.
"So you're gross. You are disgusting," she concluded.
One can only hope that the husband's patio dinner and the affair that led to this confrontation were worth the potential consequences, including years of spousal and child support. Although, among the other ways to catch a cheater, it was a lucky one.
"Well, calling out a cheating partner in public isn't always a good idea, even if it feels good at the time. The hurt person might feel better afterward, but it could also make things worse and make it harder to split up or get back together. Take a moment to calm down and maybe talk to a professional to help you figure out the best way to move forward," notes Wilda Harrison, a relationship psychologist.