Aaron Gordon, an NBA winner and longtime resident of Denver, recently talked about a funny but awkward time in his dating life – this story about an odd gold digger date literally gives a simple answer on “how to catch someone cheating?” Let’s dive in and see what Gordon talked about on the latest episode of "Curious Mike" show.
Gordon described his worst dating incident as a meeting with a woman whose true motives were very clear, perhaps in Chicago. As they waited for their table at a bar, the date took a surprising turn when she casually opened her phone and showed the search she had just done: "Aaron Gordon's net worth." "I was like, 'Yo, this is wild!'" Gordon said, pleased and shocked.
Since Gordon has a net worth of about $50 million right now, he is naturally a target for many groups. The podcast clip doesn't go into what happened after the moment of truth, but it's clear that Gordon moved on and finally found a more genuine connection with his current partner.
Even though Gordon isn't an NBA star, his high earnings have made him open to these kinds of situations. He luckily avoided a relationship that could have been troubled by choosing to be honest in his personal life.
Social media users found the funny story relatable. It led to conversations and even some jokes about how money change people.
People do different things because of money, and athletes like Gordon always have a hard time keeping their money safe. The woman's focus on Gordon's net worth during their first meeting raises a red flag about the goals set on a first date, even though it's not clear what she was trying to do.
Gordon's current success, both on and off the court, makes it seem like the awkward date is a thing of the past. A famous NBA player named Gilbert Arenas once said that 70% of NBA women cheat on their boyfriends with another player, sometimes even a teammate.
In the world of professional sports, Gordon's experience is not unusual, and his ability to handle them shows how hard it is for players to keep their personal relationships in check while being famous and rich.
"Things like Aaron Gordon's date aren't just about money, I have to say. It's also about self-worth and how power works. It's easy to call the woman a "gold digger," but it's way not as easy to tell why someone might put cash ahead of love in a relationship. Getting to know these deeper reasons can help you doing good with people, no matter how much money you have", notes Wilda Harrison, a relationship psychologist.